"Shea asks the type of questions that create breakthroughs. She has an innate ability to listen and find meaning behind spoken word without suspending judgement. Shea empowered me to do the things I never thought possible and opened my eyes to see the road ahead. I’ve been in the passing lane ever since."
-Amy Nieuwsma, Designer and Adventurer
"I loved every talk we had and was grateful for the fact that Shea was no nonsense.
I truly don't think there is a person out there that would not benefit from being coached."
-Joel T. , Entrepreneur and Athlete
"She has a gift of getting to know you, and most importantly she
helps you get to know your own true self. "
-Hillary Voight , Realtor
"In short, Shea's coaching has helped me bust through a very stubborn creative road block. Shea listened, asked deeper questions and took me on a journey back to the place where I started. I am so thankful for the depth and the courage that working with Shea has given my life. The answer was here, inside me all along."
-Jacquie Auch, Designer and Painter
“Shea has an innate ability to connect and bond quickly
and to intuitively hold the space whole-heartedly and to be open
and real despite our different backgrounds.”
-Dave and Christine Ober, Pilot and Therapist